The Shezarrine, after capturing a Thalmor agent, learns of the Dominion's plan to invade Hammerfell for a specific purpose yet unknown to the agent. The protagonist quickly gains the favour of the Forebears and their leader, Baron Taraas, and is dubbed the 'Shezarrine' by the Forebears' mystic as they investiage the Thalmor presence in Hammerfell. The protagonist learns of war on the horizon as they arrive on the shores of Hammerfell, escaping Alik'r bandits with the assistance of a young traveller named Raysa. Tensions have been high between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion following the Last Dragonborn's disappearance to Akavir two years after the Dragon Crisis, and Tamriel is now on the brink of the Second Great War, with the Aldmeri Dominion preparing for invasion.Īn adventurer arises, and becomes known as the Shezarrine, tasked with uniting the warring factions of Hammerfell and eradicating the Aldmeri threat from the province.

For this purpose, Bethesda is implementing vehicle mechanics created for Starfield.Thirty-two years have passed since the events of Skyrim, and it is now 4E 233. The climax of the game would take place on the Isle of Balfiera, ship travel will be featured in the game. Graphics are impressively overhauled, Direnni Tower will play a major role in the main questline and will be spotted from many places on the map. He claims that Bethesda is planning to take full advantage of the upcoming generation of consoles to create “huge, epic battle scenes with dozens if not hundreds of characters battling on-screen in real-time”. His lengthy leak is well structured and details several aspects of the project, he says the game will be called The Elder Scrolls VI: Redfall, and would take place in the High Rock and Hammerfell six years after the events of Skyrim. The user who goes by the name, Throwaway13579, claims to have received the information thanks to the remote work policy enforced by the COVID-19. I also know that it will release in Q4 2024 and one of the DLC’s will be on Stros M’Kai, which will cater a lot to the ship mechanic. Disclaimer – This information has not been verified, therefore this is not factual.